Liste des publications 2011

Liste des publications 2011

Alessandri, JM, Extier, A.,Al-Gubory, K. H., Langelier, B., Baudry, C., Le Poupon, C, Lavialle, M, Guesnet, P., 2012. Ovariectomy and 17ß-estradiol alter the transcription of lipid metabolism genes and proportions of neo-formed 22:6n-3 and 22:5n-6 differently in brain and liver. J Nutr Biochem, 22: 820-827

Arianmanesh, M., McIntosh, R. H., Lea, R. G., Fowler, P. A. , Al-Gubory, K. H., 2011. Ovine corpus luteum proteins, with functions including oxidative stress and lipid metabolism, show complex alterations during implantation. J Endocrinol, 210(1): 47-58

Auguste, A., Chassot, A-A, Grégoire E P, Renault, L., Pannetier, M.,  Treier, M, Pailhoux, E., Chaboissier, M-C., 2011. Loss of R-Spondin1 and Foxl2 amplifies female-to-male sex-reversal in XX mice. Sex Dev, 5: 304-317

Baillet, A., Le Bouffant, R., Volff, JN, Luangpraseuth, A., Poumerol, E., Thépot, D., Pailhoux, E., Livera, G., Cotinot, C., Mandon-Pepin, B., 2011. TOPAZ1, a Novel Germ Cell-Specific Expressed Gene Conserved during Evolution across Vertebrates. PloS ONE, 6:11 e26950

Banrezes, B., Sainte-Beuve, T., Canon, E., Schultz, R. M., Cancela, J., Ozil, J-P., 2011. Adult Body Weight Is Programmed by a Redox-Regulated and Energy-Dependent Process during the Pronuclear Stage in Mouse Plos One, 6:11 e29388

Bonnet, A., Bevilacqua, C., Benne, F., Bodin, L., Cotinot, C., Liaubet, L., Sancristobal, M., Sarry, J., Terenina, E., Martin, P., Tosser-Klopp, G., Mandon-Pepin, B., 2011. Transcriptome profiling of sheep granulosa cells and oocytes during early follicular development obtained by Laser Capture Microdissection. BMC Genomics, 12:417

Chastant-Maillard, S., Viaris De Lesegno, C., Chebrout, M., Thoumire, S., Meylheuc, T., Fontbonne, A., Chodkiewicz, M., Saint-Dizier, M., Reynaud, K., 2011.  The canine oocyte: uncommon features of in vivo and in vitro maturation. Reprod Fert Develop, 23(3): 391-402

Chavatte-Palmer, P., Sau Fong Lee, R., Camous, S., Le Cleac’h, N., Jammes, H., Guillomot, M., 2011. The placenta of bovine clones. Acta Scientiae Veterinariae, 39, suppl1: s227-s242. Proceedings of the 25th annual meeting of the brazilian embryo technology society (SBTE)

Constant, F., Camous, S., Chavatte-Palmer, P., Heyman, Y., de Sousa, N., Richard, C., Beckers, J. F., Guillomot, M., 2011. Altered secretion of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins during gestation in bovine somatic clones. Theriogenology, 76: 1006–1021

Coulon, M., Baudoin, C., Heyman, Y., Deputte, BL., 2011. Cattle discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics by using only head visual cues. Anim. Cogn., 14:279-290

Degrelle, S., Lê Cao, K.A., Heyman, Y., Everts, R.E., Campion, E., Richard, C., Ducroix-Crépy, C., Tian, X.C., Lewin, H.A., Renard, J-P., Robert-Granie, C., Hue, I., 2011. A small set of extra-embryonic genes defines a new landmark for bovine embryo staging. Reproduction, 141: 79-89

Degrelle, S., Murthi, P, Evain-Brion, D, Fournier, T, Hue, I., 2011. Expression and localization of DLX3, PPARG and SP1 in bovine trophoblast during binucleated cell differentiation. Placenta 32(11):917-920

Deguillaume, L., Chastant-Maillard, S., 2011. Les inflammations génitales non abortives des bovins: diagnostic-traitement. Le point Vet., Numéro spécial, Maladies infectieuses des ruminants, 42 : 58-64

Dupont, C., Sermondade, N., Faure, C., Chavatte-Palmer, P., Levy, R., 2011. Origine développementale des maladies de l’adulte (DOHaD) et reproduction. MT Médecine de la Reproduction Gynécologie Endocrinologie, 13 (4) 265-274

Faure, L., Cherbrout, M., Reynaud, K., Thoumire, S., Chastant-Maillard, S., 2011. Reproduction par injection intracytoplasmique de spermatozoides chez les mammifères. Le Point Vétérinaire 314: 6-8

Fontaine, E., Mir, F., Vannier, F., Gérardin, A., Albouy, M., Navarro, C., Fontbonne, A., 2011. Induction of fertile oestrus in the bitch using Deslorelin, a GnRH agonist. Theriogenology, 76 (8): 1561-1566

Forde, N, Carter, F, Spencer, TE, Bazer, FW, Sandra, O., Mansouri-Attia, N., Okumu, LA, McGettigan, PA, Mehta, JP, McBride, R, O'Gaora, P, Roche, JF, Lonergan, P., 2011. Conceptus-induced changes in the endometrial transcriptome: how soon does the cow know she is pregnant? Biol Reprod. 85(1):144-56

Gabory, A., Attig, L., Junien, C., 2011. Developmental programming and epigenetics. Am J Clin Nutr, 94 (suppl)1943S-52S

Gabory, A., Attig, L., Junien, C., 2011. Epigenetic mechanisms involved in developmental nutritional programming. World J Diabetes, 2(10): 164-175 

Ganier, O., Bocquet, S., Peiffer, I., Brochard, V., Arnaud, P., Puy, A., Jouneau, A., Feil, R., Renard, J-P., Méchali, M., 2011.Synergic reprogramming of mammalian cells by combined exposure to mitotic Xenopus egg extracts and transcription factors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 108(42):17331-17336

Gao, Y., Hyttel, P., Jammes, H., Rasmussen, MA., Oestrup, O., Beaujean, N., Hall, V., 2011. Epigenetic regulation of gene expression in porcine epiblast, hypoblast, trophectoderm and epiblast-derived neural progenitor cells. Epigenetics 6(9): 1149-1161

Hai, T., Hao, J., Wang, L., Jouneau, A., Zhou, Q., 2011. Pluripotency maintenance in mouse somatic cell nuclear transfer embryos and its improvement by treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor TSA. Cell Reprogram, 13(1): 47-56

Halter, S., Lévy, X., Bernex, F., Reynaud, K., Chastant-Maillard, S., 2011. Brèche traumatique du ligament large à la suite d’une césarienne chez une chienne. Le Point Vet., 314: 20-23

Hochberg, Z., Feil, R., Constancia, M., Fraga, M., Junien, C., Carel, J.C., Boileau, P., Le Bouc, Y., Deal, C.L., Lillycrop, K., Scharfmann, R., Sheppard, A., Skinner, M., Szyf, M., Waterland, R.A., Waxman, D.J., Whitelaw, E., Ong, K., Albertsson-Wikland, K., 2011. Child Health, Developmental Plasticity, and Epigenetic Programming. Endocr Rev. 32(2): 159-224

Hue-Beauvais, C., Chavatte-Palmer, P., Aujean, E., Dahirel, M., Laigre, P., Pechoux, C., Bouet, S., Devinoy, E., Charlier, M., 2011. An obesogenic diet started before puberty leads to abnormal mammary gland development during pregnancy in the rabbit. Dev Dynam., 240 (2): 347-356

Jammes, H., Junien, C., Chavatte-Palmer, P., 2011. Epigenetic control of development and expression of quantitative traits. Reprod. Fer. Develop., 23: 64-74

Kaewlamun, W., Okouyi, M., Humblot, P., Techakumphu, M., Ponter, AA., 2011.  Does supplementing dairy cows with beta-carotene during the dry period affect postpartum ovarian activity, progesterone, and cervical and uterine involution? Theriogenology, 75(6): 1029-1038.

Kaewlamun, W., Okouyi, M., Humblot, P., Remy, D., Techakumphu, M., Duvaux-Ponter, C., Ponter., AA., 2011. The influence of a supplement of β-carotene given during the dry period to dairy cows on colostrum quality, and β-carotene status, metabolites and hormones in newborn calves.  Anim Feed Sci Tech, 165: 31-37

Laporte-Broux, B., Roussel, S., Ponter, AA., Perault, J., Chavatte-Palmer, P., Duvaux-Ponter, 2011. Short term effects of maternal feed restriction during pregnancy on goat kid morphology, metabolism and behavior. J Anim Sci, 7: 2154-2163

Laporte-Broux, B., Duvaux-Ponter, C. Roussel, S., Promp, J., Chavatte-Palmer, P., Ponter, A. A., 2011.  Restricted feeding of goats during the last third of gestation modifies both metabolic parameters and behaviour.  Livest Sci., 138: 74-88

Ledee, N., Petitbarat, M., Rahmati, M., Dubanchet, S., Chaouat, G., Sandra, O., Perrier-d'Hauterive, S., Munaut, C., Foidart, J. M.., 2011. New pre-conception immune biomarkers for clinical practice: interleukin-18, interleukin-15 and TWEAK on the endometrial side, G-CSF on the follicular side. J Reprod Immunol, 88 (2): 118-123

Ledee, N., Munaut, C., Aubert, J., Serrazin, V., Rahmati, M., Chaouat, G., Sandra, O., Foidart, J. M., 2011. Specific and extensive endometrial deregulation is present before conception in IVF/ICSI repeated implantation failures (IF) or recurrent miscarriages. J. Pathol, 225(4): 554-564

Ledoux, D., Touze, JL., Richard, C., Ponter, AA., Bosc, MJ., Grimard, B., 2011. Abnormal patterns of resumption of cyclicity after calving in Holstein cows: risk factors, relationships with the ultrasound appearance of the ovaries and with gestation failure after AI. Revue de Medicine Veterinaries, 162: 98-106

Lhoste, E., De Montera, B., 2011. Regards. L’expérimentation animale : une responsabilité à dire et à partager. Nature Sciences Sociétés, 19: 165-172

Malandain, E., Rault, D., Froment, E., Baudon, S., Desquilbet, L., Chastant-Maillard, S., 2011. Follicular growth monitoring in the female cat during estrus. Theriogenology, 76 (7): 1337-1347

Masson, D., Deckert, V., Gautier, T., Klein, A., Desrumaux, C., Viglietta, C., Pais de Barros, JP., Le Guern, N., Grober, J., Labbé, J., Ménétrier, F., Ripoll, PJ., Leroux-Coyau, M., Jolivet, G., Houdebine, L-M., Lagrost, L., 2011. Worsening of Diet-Induced Atherosclerosis in a New Model of Transgenic Rabbit Expressing the Human Plasma Phospholipid Transfer Protein. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 31: 766-774

Mayeur, S., Lukaszewski, M. A., Breton, C., Storme, L., Junien, C., Vieau, D., Lesage, J., 2011. BDNF in feto-placental development. Med Sci (Paris), 27 (3): 251-252

Morel, O., Tsatsaris, V., Chavatte-Palmer, P., 2011. Comprehension of power Doppler quantification and a missed opportunity for landmark research. Ultrasound Obst. Gynecol., 37: 373-375

Morel, O., Tsatsaris, V., Chavatte-Palmer, P., 2011. First-trimester 3-dimensional power Doppler for the screening of preeclampsia: the analysis of a greater proportion of the uteroplacental unit might improve the accuracy of the method. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 204(2): p. e4-5; author reply e5

Nuttinck, F., Gall, L., Ruffini, S., Laffont, L., Clément, L., Reinaud, P., Adenot, P., Grimard, B., Charpigny, G., Marquant-Le Guienne, B., 2011. PTGS2-related PGE2 affects oocyte MAPK phosphorylation and meiosis progression in cattle. Late effects on early embryonic development. Biol Reprod, 84 (6): 1248-1257

Okamoto, I., Patrat, C., Thepot, D., Peynot, N., Fauque, P., Daniel, N., Diabangouaya, P., Wolf, J. P., Renard, J-P., Duranthon, V., Heard, E., 2011. Eutherian mammals use diverse strategies to initiate X-chromosome inactivation during development. Nature, 472: 370-374

Pannetier, M., Pailhoux, E., 2011. Sex differentiation: state of the art and future prospects. Med Sci, 27: 859-865

Pichugin, A., Beaujean, N., Vignon, X., Vassetsky, Y., 2011. Ring-like distribution of constitutive heterochromatin in bovine senescent cells. PLoS One, 6(11): e26844

Picone, O., Laigre, P., Fortun-Lamothe, L., Archilla, C., Peynot, N., Ponter, AA., Berthelot, V., Cordier, A.G., Duranthon, V., Chavatte-Palmer, P., 2011. Hyperlipidic hypercholesterolemic diet in prepubertal rabbits affects gene expression in the embryo, restricts fetal growth and increases offspring susceptibility to obesity. Theriogenology, 75 (2): 287-299

Raliou, M., Grauso, M., Hoffmann, B., Schlegel-Le-Poupon, C., Nespoulous, C., Debat, H., Belloir, C., Wiencis, A., Sigoillot, M., Bano, S. P., Trotier, D., Pernollet, J. C., Montmayeur, J.-P., Faurion, A., Briand, L. , 2011. Human Genetic Polymorphisms in T1R1 and T1R3 Taste Receptor Subunits Affect Their Function. Chemical Senses, 36 (6): 527-537

Rodrigues Reis e. Silva, A., Adenot, P., Daniel, N., Archilla, C., Peynot, N., Lucci, C. M., Beaujean, N., Duranthon, V. 2011. Dynamics of DNA methylation levels in maternal and paternal rabbit genomes after fertilization. Epigenetics, 6(8): 987-993

Saint-Dizier, M., Guyader-Joly, C, Charpigny, G., Grimard, B., Humblot, P and Ponter, AA., 2011. Expression of enzymes involved in the synthesis of prostaglandin E2 in bovine in vitro-produced embryos. Zygote, 19 (3): 277-283, pp.285 (corrigendum)

Saint-Dizier, M., Foulon-Gauze, F., Lecompte, F., Combarnous, Y., Chopineau, M.,  2011. The additional N-glycosylation site of the equine LH/CG receptor is not responsible for the limited cyclic AMP pathway activation by equine chorionic gonadotropin relative to luteinizing hormone. Reproductive Biology, 11 (2): 157-164

Salazar-Ortiz, J., Camous, S., Briand, C., Lardic, L., Chesneau, D., Guillaume, D., 2011. Effect of nutritional cues on the duration of the winter anovulatory phase and on  associated hormone levels in adult female Welsh pony horses (Equus caballus).Rep. Biol. Endocrinol., 9: 130

Sandra, O., Mansouri-Attia, N. and Chavatte-Palmer, P., 2011. Towards a better understanding in immunology of early pregnancy using alternative animal models: the contribution of ruminants. Advances in Neuroimmune Biology, 2 (1-2): 125-134

Vedadi, M.*, Barsyte-Lovejoy, D.*, Liu*, F., Rival-Gervier, S., Allali-H., A., Labrie, V., Wigle, T.J., DiMaggio, P.A., Wasney, G. A., Siarheyeva, A., Dong, A., Tempel, W., Wang, S-C.,  Chen, X., Chau, I., Mangano, T.J.,  Huang, X-P., Simpson, CD., Pattenden, S. G. , Norris, J. L., Kireev, D. B., Tripathy, A., Edwards, A., Roth, B.L., Janzen, W.P., Garcia, B. A., Petronis, A., Ellis, J., Brown, P. J., Frye, S. V., Arrowsmith, C.H., Jin, J., 2011.A chemical probe selectively inhibits G9a and GLP methyltransferase activity in cells. Nature Chem Biol, 2011 7(9): 648, 2011 7(8): following 574